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A small video made in After Effect

Verdana Introduce

Use brush style, absurd animation effects to suit for font description.
Based on the historical status of this font, the old blue screen background and old pop-up windows are used as the content carriers to display the content.

​Now growing ...

  • Swinging buoys

  • Flaming torches

  • Nets that fall at the touch

  • Fences that break when hit

  • A guard who will never turn back

Click to download on

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​Now growing ...


Some interesting 3D models

To view a more detailed model please click the button to download

Way to view:

Please use Google Chrome after the download is complete
Install the plugin (Name: Web Server)
Open the plugin and locate the downloaded file
Once located, click the URL to open it (please make sure the page is opened in Google Chrome)


Three different ideas of each model

A Magic Box - Inspired by the Hellraiser's Box
A bottle of orange juice - inspired by Fanta
A monkey with heavy makeup and light makeup - inspired by her name (Susanna)

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